

I've been working with a new coach and she's REALLY pushing me out of my comfort zone. She's given me a couple of challenges that scare the poop out of me, AND I've said yes to them.

The big goal I'm working toward is attracting and enrolling a certain number of new coaching clients. A scary number (to me)!

Truthfully, I've always been fairly lax about attracting new clients...partly because I had a full-time job that paid the bills and allowed me to use my coaching skills at work, and partly because as an most-often-introvert, I like to work deeply with a handful of people at one time, rather than lots and lots. This allows me to manage my energy output effectively so that I can be my best self with my clients.

To preserve that, my current goal is not "lots and lots" of new clients, but rather what feels like a big number, for me. More than I've worked with at one time before. So it feels scary, AND exciting to have coaching as my sole profession and primary focus of my energy. 

And boy, is it making me uncomfortable. 

So why am I agreeing to the challenges my coach is handing me and doing things that make me super uncomfortable? 

Because what I want for the world is for every person to believe in and activate their power of choice. No matter what circumstances we are born into or find ourselves, we all have the power to choose our attitude, to love ourselves, and others, and to honour what's most important to us. 

Because I want everyone to live in a way that aligns with their deepest values and desires. I want people to stop settling and putting up with and compromising and running on auto-pilot. 

Because I want to help people de-program all the negative and wonky expectations that have been placed on them through their upbringings and cultures/societies that no longer serve them.  

Because I want each person to show up as truly and ONLY themselves, with full permission and no apologies for doing things their own way. The world needs each of us to bring our gifts to light to increase the light in the world. There's too much dark right now. We need your goodness. 

Because I want people to create, love and live joyfully more of the time, and build resilience from the hard times. 

Because I'm a powerful, compassionate and courageous coach who creates space for people to be authentically themselves and have the courage to live true. 

Because life is short and we are all meant to shine. Fiercely. Freely. To make things better and brighter for everyone. 

So I've said yes to things that scare me.

What might seem like simple things like talking to strangers (I'm a shy person!), and seeking out social events to meet new people (when I feel much more comfortable in front of my computer). These may not seem like big things to you, but they require an awful lot of energy and mental preparation for me to do effectively. Without a kick in the behind, I just won't do them. Even though the world needs me to. 

In order to help the world through MY gifts, one person at a time, I need to emerge. I can't stay hidden. So I'm stepping past my edge and trusting I'll land right where I need to and the people I am supposed to coach will appear and we'll connect and I'll be able to help THEM emerge and shine more brilliantly, more confidently, more authentically.

And the world will be a better place. 

So, where is the edge of YOUR comfort zone? What might be possible for you if you step over it? I'd love to hear! Share in the comments or on my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/jillycoach/

In love and light, 
