
Let me guess: You’re here either because you WANT to change something about your life, OR you feel you’re being FORCED to change.

See if any of these three scenarios ring true for you:

Scenario 1: You WANT to Change Because Things are “Meh”

You’re longing for change, because you don’t feel like yourself. You haven’t lived up to the expectations you had for your life. You want to feel excited about your life, and you don’t. You’re likely feeling:

  • “Meh” about your life… it looks great on paper, but you don’t feel fulfilled, and your heart isn’t singing

  • Like something’s off or missing… there’s got to be more to life than this

  • Unsure of what you want, who you really are, and what’s most important (Who am I? How did I get here? Where am I going?)… there’s dissonance between what you dreamed for your life way back when and where you ended up

  • Overwhelmed, scattered, like you’ve got too much on your plate, you’re too busy, “failing at life,” dropping balls, barely holding it together, a hot mess, and sick of it all


Need help finding your spark so you can feel excited about your life again? Go from “meh” to magical and feel:

  • Connected to your heart and really listen to what it’s telling you

  • Clear about your values, purpose and vision for your life

  • Calm, because you know how to cultivate a life of meaning and inspiration

  • Passionate about what’s next and who you are (or are becoming)

  • Confident to move forward and design the life you really want

  • Content and satisfied with your choices


Scenario 2: You WANT to Change Because You’re Ready to Claim Your Magnificence

You’re finally ready to claim who you are. You’ve wasted enough time playing small and doing what everyone else expected of you. It’s time to be your authentic courageous self and bring your unique brilliance to the world. You’re likely feeling:

  • Like you want to shake it up,… you’re ready for a big change, but not sure how to start

  • You have a BIG DREAM to create something new… a creative project, product or business, but need some help getting clear and into action

  • Like you’ve had great ideas before that you know will serve the world, but you always talk yourself out of actually making them real

  • You’re ready to establish a new path or direction, and claim a new identity


Need help bringing that project to life so you can feel:

  • Crystal clear about who you are and what you are meant to bring to the world

  • Confident in yourself and your big plans…so you can actually make them happen

  • Able to embrace the wisdom of your inner critic and stop it from holding you back

  • Excited about taking bold action to bring your big juicy ideas alive

  • Accomplished and impactful because you’ve finally done what your heart’s been longing for


Scenario 3: You’re FORCED to Change

Despite your best-laid plans, you are being forced to change. The Universe dropped a lovely gift in your lap… a break-up; a job loss; a scary diagnosis (for yourself or a loved one); a clean bill of health after months of treatment. You realize you have no choice but to deal with this new reality in order to move forward with your life.

You’re likely feeling:

  • Unsure of who you are in this new reality, and what lies ahead

  • Afraid of what’s unknown and what might yet be revealed

  • Shocked and shaken, questioning everything you thought you knew

  • Unprepared for the new role(s) you’ll be called to step into (and if you’ll be able to meet the challenge)

  • Angry and hurt because this is not what you planned or wanted

  • Defeated, unmotivated and frustrated


Need help integrating this new reality and figuring out what’s next? With some support and guidance, you can feel:

  • Your heart is nurtured as you come to terms with what is

  • Clear about what’s most important now (and what’s not)

  • Empowered to claim who you are and who you are becoming

  • Supported to create healthy boundaries and self-care practices that protect your energy and confidence

  • Gratitude for the lessons and learning resulting from this unplanned shift in your life path

  • Inspired to hold a new vision for what you want your life to be

  • Encouraged and enabled to map out a realistic and actionable plan to bring your vision alive

  • Championed to take the steps you need to embody your vision, and build resilience and strength
