The Positively Chronic Book and Card Deck

and now available: The Positively Chronic Journal

When I created the Positively Chronic Coaching Program in 2020 to help folks with chronic conditions live well, I wanted a way for them to support themselves after the program ended. I’m a big fan of hold-in-your-hands stuff and the idea of a card deck appeared!

I refined the tips, tools and practices I share in the course into bite-sized nuggets, and collected and adapted other practices from my life to create a collection of 90 prompts grouped into six themes:

  • Mindset & Inner Resources…because how and what we think and feel matters and is within our command

  • Creativity & Meaning…because we all need inspiration, self-express and for our lives to mean something

  • Body, Movement & Rest…because our bodies are wise, movement moves more than just our bodies and rest is vital

  • Environment & External Influences…because our surroundings and what we welcome into or lives impact our well-being

  • Connection to Spirit, Nature & Other Humans…because it’s all connected and we are all divine

  • Little Luxuries…because we all deserve pampering once in awhile and for things to feel a little easier

While I was developing the card deck, I also took part in a book-writing and production program. To make my life easier in terms of content creation (but not in terms of design and production!), I decided to simultaneously produce both a book and a deck.

Who these are for:

While these prompts were created with chronic illness managers in mind as a way to help ease the mental and emotional burden of living with a chronic condition, they can be used by anyone who needs a shift in perspective, a creative outlet for their emotions or some news ways to self-soothe on challenging days.

The BOOK is best for…

  • folks who tend to lose or misplace things or parts of sets

  • folks who prefer a slim self-contained reference

  • folks who like or require large fonts for easy reading

  • folks with limited dexterity for shuffling and stacking

  • folks who prefer flipping, writing in the margins, dog-earing pages, etc.

  • folks who prefer a matte aesthetic

The DECK is best for…

  • folks who prefer to have something to take out of a decorative bag and handle

  • folks who like to shuffle, sort, stack and smear cards around

  • folks who prefer to live on the edge — the cards could scatter on the floor, and that’s exciting!

  • folks who have good hand and finger dexterity

  • folks who like a shinier, glossier look and feel


Q: Is the content the same in the book and the deck?

A: Yes! All 90 prompts are replicated in both versions, so it really comes down to your preference: do you like to shuffle and sort, or are you a flipper? Do you want a pretty bag to store the cards in, or do you want a book for your bedside or shelf?

Q: How big is the book?

A: The book is approximately 5 inches by 8 inches, and has 124 pages and is soft cover.

Q: What comes with the deck, and how big is it?

A: The deck includes 90 3-inch by 3-inch full-colour cards, a 10-panel booklet and a cloth bag to store everything in.

Q: What if I can’t physically/emotionally/mentally follow a prompt, because of my chronic condition?

A: All the prompts are easily adaptable to different physical, emotional and mental abilities and capacities. Is movement challenging for you? Just imagine the action, or change it to be less strenuous or taxing. Is journaling just not your thing? Try talking, walking, singing or dancing instead. Don’t have the financial means to treat yourself to a small luxury? Try trading or bartering, or repurposing something to meet the intention of the prompt.

Q: Can these prompts replace my current treatment and/or medical support?

A: Nope! These prompts are intended to be complementary to your ongoing management. There’s a clear disclaimer in the front of the book and in the deck booklet. If you’re unsure if a suggestion in the deck or book is right for you, check it out with your medical team first.

Q: What if I just don’t like the prompts you provide? Can I send the book or deck back?

A: No worries; they may not be a fit for you. If that’s the case, please pay it forward and give the book or deck to someone who may appreciate it, or donate them to a local medical centre, care home or library…or even leave them in a coffee shop. Let’s not make the carbon footprint of these items any bigger by shipping them again.

Got other questions? Reach out to get them answered.

Want to learn more about the Positively Chronic Coaching Program and see if it’s right for you? Head over here!